Welcome to House Of The Brave...!
Here you can find collections of military uniforms and accessories from various country in the world for you to view as well as for you to own it. All of the items here are genuine military issue items not a replica for commercial sale (unless otherwise mention).
Most of the items are very rare and hard to find locally...so waste no time and grab it now..!
I hope you enjoy this site, thank you for visiting and do come again..!
Grading guidelines:
Grade : A - very good conditions with no tear, rip or holes.
Grade : B - good conditions with repairable tiny holes or tear.
New - never been use/worn .
USMC - United States MarineCorp.
Camo - Camouflage
ACU - Army Combat Uniform (Current combat uniform worn by the United States Army)
BDU - Battle Dress Uniform (Combat uniform worn by the US Army in 1980's ~1990's)
DCU - Desert Combat Uniform (Combat uniform worn by the US Army in 1980's ~1990's)
MarPat - Marine Pattern (Digital camouflage pattern in use with US Marine Corp, 2 types - Woodland and Desert MarPat)